National Indigenous Peoples Day 2021

With so many live events taking place in celebration of National Indigenous Peoples Day, we hope that you are busy learning from Elders and Knowledge Keepers with open mind, body, heart and spirit!

For those looking to learn and celebrate on a flexible timeline, we invite you to explore the following resources and more available through MacEwan Library and kihêw waciston Indigenous Centre:


NFB Hothouse 12 Playlist (Film Shorts):

Kayak to Klemtu (Feature Film):

kihêw waciston YouTube (Recorded Teachings):


2 Crees in a Pod (Podcast):

enâtawâstemikweyahk nehiyaw (Cree) Meditation Album (Streaming Album):

CFWE Radio (Windspeaker Media):

Reclaimed with Jarrett Martineau (CBC Radio):


Little You (Richard Van Camp & Julie Flett, Online Board Book):

This Place: 150 Years Retold (Online Graphic Novel Anthology):

Love Beyond Body, Space And Time (Ed. Hope Nicholson, Print Anthology):

The Knowledge Seeker: Embracing Indigenous Spirituality (Blair Stonechild, Online):

Life Stages and Native Women: Memory, Teachings, and Story Medicine (Kim Anderson, Online):

Library Renovations are in Full Swing!

The second phase of the renovation of the John L. Haar Library is well underway! 

In the first phase of the renovation (completed August 2020) work focused on the third floor of the library, increasing study space for students. The second phase began in late March and focuses on the second or “main” floor of the library. The redesign will feature easier access to services, better traffic flow, numerous cosmetic upgrades, and more natural light. 

Here’s some highlights of what we’re looking forward to: 

  • New grand staircase – The staircase in building 7 is getting a makeover into a long grand staircase. It will also be moved back a bit to make more space by the service desk area. 

  • Increased natural light from the south side of the library – The Technology Support desk will be incorporated into a new central service desk. The windows behind that space will add more sunshine to the second floor. 

  • Feature wall graphic designed by student artists – Behind the updated service desk will be a feature wall designed by some of MacEwan’s graphic design students! 

  • Dedicated space for the Writing Centre and Makerspace – Both the Writing Centre and our Makerspace will have new homes and larger spaces within the library on the second floor in building 6. 

  • Better traffic flow through the central part of the library – Between classes the library becomes a high traffic area as everyone rushes to their next class. Moving the staircase back and updating our service desk will provide more space for everyone moving between buildings or waiting for assistance at the desk. 


Check out some progress shots of the renovations! 

A photograph from the third floor of the library looking down at the staircase in building 7. Scaffolding is surrounding the staircase.

[Here’s a shot of the staircase before demolition. It will be moved to the other end of the opening and come straight down to the second floor rather than bending in the middle.] 


A photograph of the space where the library service desk was. It is now demolished and the wall behind it has been removed to revel the space behind it. Flooring and ceiling have been removed and expose the concrete and wiring underneath.

[Here’s a photo of the service desk area after the old desk and wall were removed. The new desk will be a centralized place to ask all your library and tech support questions!] 


A photograph of a wall in the library that has been knocked out to reveal another room behind it which used to be the Exam Centre. This space will become the new Writing Centre and Makerspace. Flooring and ceiling covering have been removed exposing concrete and wiring.

[The Exam Services Centre has move to a new space on campus and the library is using the old space to create dedicated areas for the Writing Centre and Makerspace. These spaces will be in building 6 on the second floor next to the Mac computer lab.] 


Reopening is scheduled for the start of classes in Fall 2021. Watch for information about our grand reopening! 

In the meantime, our Library Takeout Service is available to pick up holds and ID cards, borrow laptops and other equipment, and get assistance with your library account. Research and account assistance is also available through Library Chat

From the Archives: Foundation reports first $1 million

Garage sales, casinos, and staff donations helped get the MacEwan college foundation over 1 million dollars in 1984. An amazing accomplishment! Check out this announcement from MacEwan Today in 1984:

"Give yourself a pat on the back. Thanks to staff efforts and donations, the college foundation went over the million dollar mark for the first time since its beginnings in January 1980. “Staff have not only contributed through cash and deferred giving, but have pitched in and helped put on fundraising events,” said executive director Terry Flannigan. 

A fall appeal encourages staff to make regular donations. Deferred giving, which makes the college benefactor to life insurance policies, is becoming increasingly popular. Staff also participated in a garage sale and casino. An $18,000 Mazda RX7 will be raffled off in December. Sixty thousand $1 tickets are on sale now. 

Donations can be directed toward a specific endowment fund, such as the one for scholarships and bursaries which foundation’s Janet Wright hopes will be topped off in 1984. Donations reached 80 percent of the $250,000 goal in 1983. Funding is also being sought to refloor the Mill Woods gym. A thanks a million wine and cheese will be held for deferred givers, June 4, Jasper Place Campus." (Source: MacEwan Today, May 30, 1984). 

For other stories from our past, visit the University Archives.

Digital Book Display: Star Wars Day

May the Fourth be with you! MacEwan Library has an amazing treasure trove of materials on Star Wars, from books (online and in the library) to streaming music. Disappointed you will not be!  


Print Books: 

Streaming Music:  


View the full reading list in our catalogue to check the status of our materials.  A green checkmark next to an item in our reading list means it’s available to borrow. A blue checkmark means you can read/watch online. 

Photograph of select titles from the above list on a book cart in the library.

From the Archives: 1997 Convocation

More than careers take flight at 1997 Convocation 

The GMCC Students' Association knew it had found the most appropriate way to commemo­rate its 25th anniversary when it decided to adopt an injured eagle to be released at convocation.  

Besides the chance to return one of nature's finest specimens to the wild, the S.A. feels the release of the once-injured eagle to be sym­bolic of the college's ability to import greater freedom, opportu­nity and life skills to its gradu­ates.  

Photograph of an eagle being uncovered from a small tipi while a crowd watches in the background.

The release of the majestic bird of prey, named Mac after Dr. J. W. Grant MacEwan, also symbolizes the college namesake's high regard for the environment, and his desire to leave it better than he found it. Mac came to the Alberta Society for Injured Birds of Prey starving, half blind and suffering from a blow to the head - afflictions that could have easily ended the approximately 10 year old bird. An estimated life span of 40 years makes the work put into its recuperation that much more important. Specialists in this type of care, the ASIBP says Mac has since healed nicely and should be in fine form when it comes time to 'graduate' from the outdoor aviary to the forests of Alberta. 

Mac is scheduled to be released April 6 at Hawrelak Park and the association hopes as many as possible will be able to attend. (Sources: Intercamp, March 17, 1997, and 2017-02-14/40, Box 2 Folder 12) 

For other stories from our past, visit the University Archives

Video Views Skyrocketed in 2020!

We've all been watching more videos since the beginning of the pandemic, but none more so that our students! The Library provides access to all sorts of films, from educational documentaries to independent films. But did you know that behind the scenes, the Library is also involved in supporting videos posted in Blackboard, especially eReserves items? You can find all sorts of MacEwan create videos at


Most professors have been creating and uploading instructional videos, and we can see, at a glance, how those videos are being used (don't worry, we haven't collected any personal information!). For instance, over eleven million minutes have been viewed since February 2020! That's a lot of (educational) screen time. And, these minutes have been viewed by over 19,000 unique viewers. We're reaching a lot of people.

Years worth of views: 11,000,000 minutes viewed, 19,000 unique viewers

But which video has reached the most people since the pandemic began? It's "Finding and Accessing Your Blackboard Courses," with 5,432 plays.

The most viewed video: "Finding and Accessing Your Blackboard Courses" by eLearning at MacEwan. 5,432 plays!

Even when the pandemic winds down, we'll continue to offer video content and support. Let us know what you think! 

From the Archives: Parking Lot Hockey in 1982

Another gem from the archives!


Old photograph of students playing hockey in the Cromdale campus parking lot. Article text is included in the description below.


The Cromdale Challenge


Millwoods Campus has its humongous gym, Jasper Place also has a gym along with racquetball courts. And Cromdale Campus has its parking lot. 


Parking lot? Yes, parking lot. On Friday afternoons Cromdale students can be found scurrying around the asphalt shooting and hitting, hooking and slashing. Ball hockey of course. At present a team made up of Journalism and Ad and PR students are calling themselves college champions. If you are interested in challenging the college champs call Cromdale and leave a message for Rich in the student association office. A team of four is all that is necessary. (Source: Intercamp, vol. 2, no. 2, 1982)


For other stories from our past, visit the University Archives.

Virtual Late Night at the Library - March 18th

We’re virtual again for this term’s Late Night at the Library event! Join us online on Thursday, March 18th for some productivity time and make some progress on those big assignments. We've added a few more events this time including SAMU Study Buddies and Games Night with Student Life! 

What to expect:  

Drop-In Writing Tutor Sessions 4:00-8:00 p.m. 

  • An opportunity to ask our Tutors about your grammar, developing a thesis statement, and more!  

Virtual Game Night with the Student Life Team 5:00-6:30 p.m. 

  • Destress and play some games with the Student Life Team 
  • They've got prizes! 

SAMU Study Buddies 5:00-7:00 p.m. 

  • Set goals and get some work done with SAMU volunteers 
  • A chance for prizes here too! 

Live Chat with a Librarian 5:00-10:00 p.m. 

  • Ask our Librarians about finding sources for assignments, using our databases, and more! 

Research Essentials workshop 8:00-8:50 p.m.  

  • Bring your research paper topic and leave with sources!  
  • Joan, our English Librarian, will share expert tips to search for scholarly articles  

Study Tips  

  • The Writing Centre has collected some excellent resources and tools to help you prepare for your exams. We recommend trying the Pomodoro technique!  

Destress and Concentration Videos  

  • Check out some movies and short films we recommend for a much-needed mental break  
  • Watch some “Study with Me” videos to get you in a productive mood!  

Virtual PAWSS Dogs Videos 

  • Who doesn’t like seeing 13/10 good doggos?! 

Join us online live during the event, or check out our productivity and destress resources early. 



SAGE Open Access Agreement for MacEwan Authors

MacEwan University Library is pleased to announce a new open access publishing option as part of the university’s membership in the Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN).

As of January 2021, MacEwan corresponding authors publishing in over 900 SAGE Choice journals can make their accepted works open access at no cost.

Corresponding authors publishing in fully open access SAGE Journals have the option to receive a 40% discount on article processing charges. 

Making published works open access can increase the visibility and impact of research since anyone can freely access it online.

For more information on publication discounts, visit the library’s web page on Open Access.

Questions? Contact Robyn Hall, Scholarly Communications Librarian (

Digital Book Display: Pride Week

In celebration of Pride Week, we’ve gathered some insightful books, plays, and films from our collection, many of which are available online! We love getting recommendations for more titles so let us know by suggesting a purchase





Films and Documentaries: 


View the full reading list in our catalogue to check the status of our print materials.  A green checkmark next to an item in our reading list means it’s available to borrow. A blue checkmark means you can read/watch online.