Cancellation Notice: Nature Climate Change and Nature Neuroscience Journals

Access ends: December 31, 2020 

Estimated savings: $8,000 

Reason for cancellation: 

  • High cost per use (over $40.00 per article access this past year)  

  • Low or declining use of the journals 

Alternative resources: 

  • Indexing to both journals will remain available and Inter-library loan is available and encouraged  

  • Full-text access prior to 2016 is available (Nature Neuroscience in Academic Search Complete; Nature Climate Change in Environmental Complete) 


This cancellation decision has been made based on usage data, cost, uniqueness of content, overlap of content with other databases and impact on disciplines. 

Please contact Sandy Stift, Associate Dean, Library, if you have questions or concerns about this resource. 

Cancellation Notice: New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics

Access ends: December 31, 2020 

Estimated savings: $500 

Reason for cancellation: 

  • Low use, resulting in high cost per use 

  • Many alternative resources available 

Alternative resources: 


This cancellation decision has been made based on usage data, cost, uniqueness of content, overlap of content with other databases and impact on disciplines. 

Please contact Sandy Stift, Associate Dean, Library, if you have questions or concerns about this resource. 

Scan on Demand: Online Access to Print Collections

Need a print book that’s on campus? We might have a solution...Scan on Demand! 


What’s Scan on Demand? 

Scan on Demand is a newer Library service that came about within 24hrs of our first closure in March. It’s a way for students, faculty, and staff to access our print collections (including textbooks!) while the Library is closed. Staff are on site Monday – Friday to scan items and email the PDF directly to you. 


How Scan on Demand Works 

1. Confirm the item you’d like scanned is on the shelf at MacEwan University Library. TIP: Look for a green checkmark next to the item as pictured below: 

Screenshot of the library catalogue showing a book that is available at MacEwan University Library.

2. Fill out our Scan on Demand Request Form. We’ll process your request as soon as possible. 

3. When your scan is ready, it will be sent to your MacEwan email address! 


Limitations of Scan on Demand 

Due to copyright legislation, we are not able to scan entire books. Each request will be reviewed for copyright compliance. 



Cancellation Notice: Taylor & Francis Science & Technology Journal Package

Access ends: December 31, 2020 

Estimated savings: $22,000  

Reasons for cancellation: 

  • The Science & Technology Journal Package accounts for less than 5.5% of overall Taylor & Francis journal usage but accounts for 26% of our overall Taylor & Francis costs.  

  • The strength of the Taylor & Francis journal collection is the Social Sciences and Humanities Package, which includes key health titles, all of which are being retained 

Alternative resources: 

Moderate-use titles with 90+ uses over three years combined (average 30+ uses/year) in order of most used to least:

  • Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition  

  • Society & Natural Resources  

  • Traffic Injury Prevention  

  • Ergonomics  

  • International Journal of Production Research  

  • Chronobiology International  

  • Behaviour & Information Technology   

Indexing to these journals will remain, and articles may be accessed via Interlibrary Loan. 

This cancellation decision has been made based on usage data, cost, uniqueness of content, overlap of content with other databases and impact on disciplines. 

Please contact Sandy Stift, Associate Dean, Library, if you have questions or concerns about this resource. 

Cancellation Notice: PressReader

Access ends: December 31, 2020 

Estimated savings: $15,000 

Reasons for cancellation: 

  • PressReader access is limited to current and very recent newspaper issues only 

  • MacEwan’s PressReader usage appears to be primarily non-academic in nature; most usage is for local or national titles such as the Edmonton Journal and the Globe & Mail 

  • MacEwan University Library subscribes to other, more comprehensive, newspaper databases 

Alternative resources: 

This cancellation decision has been made based on usage data, cost, uniqueness of content, overlap of content with other databases and impact on disciplines. In addition, the Bachelor of Communication Studies and School of Continuing Education programs have been consulted to ensure no curricular impact. 

Please contact Sandy Stift, Associate Dean, Library, if you have questions or concerns about this resource. 

From the Archives: 1979 Graduation Fees

A miniature diploma and an afternoon tea? Take a glimpse into what graduation was like in 1979! The following are notes from a December 1979 board meeting.


For the third consecutive year the College has exceeded its target for the United Way campaign. Total cash and pledges collected was approximately $8100, nine percent over the goal of $7400. 


Approval was given for a $10 application to graduate fee. The fee will cover the cost of graduation gown rental, two transcripts, a miniature plastic diploma and attendance at the tea following graduation ceremonies. 


The Board approved establishment charts, effective July 1, 1979, for Mill Woods Campus and Continuing Education Division. (Source: Box 1796, vol. 1, no. 1, 1979) 


For other stories from our past, visit the University Archives.

Cancellation Notice: Érudit

Access ends: December 31, 2020

Estimated savings: $8,000

Reason for cancellation:

  • This resource sees extremely low usage
  • Content is primarily French language scholarly journals

Alternative resources:

  • Open access articles continue to be made available via Érudit; although often with the most current year being unavailable

Additional information:

  • This is an important Canadian-based open access initiative, which the library will continue to support through a moderate voluntary contribution (this has already been factored into the savings).

This cancellation decision has been made based on usage data, cost, uniqueness of content, overlap of content with other databases and impact on disciplines.

Please contact Sandy Stift, Associate Dean, Library, if you have questions or concerns about this resource.

Digital Book Display: Métis Week

In honour of Alberta Métis Week, we’ve put together a selection from our collection that highlights the histories, experiences, knowledge, and stories of Métis peoples.  


Hoping for an eBook? Here’s a cross-disciplinary sampling. 

Prefer watching over reading?  

Unable to resist print? Books & otherwise. 

For more print and digital items, check out the full reading list. A green checkmark next to an item in our list means it’s available to borrow. A blue checkmark means you can read/watch online. 

From the Archives: March 1978 

Take a trip down memory lane with us! The following is an update from the Learning Resources Centre, dated March 1978.  

Computer-based searches for materials are on the rise and efforts are being made to increase our access to these through cooperative agreements with the Edmonton Public Library.   

Services on Jasper Place have upgraded to include a record collection for faculty, a record player, a sound duplication module, and better quality tape recorders.   

Cromdale Campus is now receiving a wide selection of national newspapers, and some international ones thanks to a new agreement with Mike’s News Stand. This campus is also handling the lending system for off-campus materials associated with a Continuing Education pilot project.   

Assumption Campus received their new video-tape players to augment a growing use of modularized learning programs. Available from this campus are a new collection of videotapes on metrication which should be of interest to many. (Source: 2017-12-13/61, box 3, folder 13)

For other stories from our past, visit the University Archives

Digital Book Display: Remembrance Day

For our first November book display we’ve collected a few books, films, and other sources from our collections to highlight the stories of our veterans for Remembrance Day.


Looking for an eBook for learning on the go? 

Prefer watching over reading? 

Looking for titles to share with children? 


For more print and digital items, check out our Movies and Documentaries list or our Books and eBooks list.   

A green checkmark next to an item in our lists means it’s available to borrow. A blue checkmark means you can read/watch online. 


Lest we forget.