Cancellation Notice: PressReader
Access ends: December 31, 2020
Estimated savings: $15,000
Reasons for cancellation:
PressReader access is limited to current and very recent newspaper issues only
MacEwan’s PressReader usage appears to be primarily non-academic in nature; most usage is for local or national titles such as the Edmonton Journal and the Globe & Mail
MacEwan University Library subscribes to other, more comprehensive, newspaper databases
Alternative resources:
PressReader via the Edmonton Public Library, accessible through personal EPL card or MacEwan’s L-Pass program
This cancellation decision has been made based on usage data, cost, uniqueness of content, overlap of content with other databases and impact on disciplines. In addition, the Bachelor of Communication Studies and School of Continuing Education programs have been consulted to ensure no curricular impact.
Please contact Sandy Stift, Associate Dean, Library, if you have questions or concerns about this resource.