Writing Guides

Writing is a process, not a skill to be perfected. These guides will help users to navigate the many genres and writing tasks one encounters at academic institutions.

The Writing Process 

Research Writing

Essay Writing 

Other Genres 

Inclusivity in Academic Writing

Writing Resources

Click the links below to access MacEwan resources. 

Citation Guides

Citation is an essential feature of academic writing. By engaging through citation with their scholarly context, students and researchers alike can advance rigorous, traceable, and persuasive accounts of their work. These citation guides help orient users toward some of the most commonly used styles across the disciplines. 

Mêskanâs Tutorial: Citation and Scholarship: APA 

Mêskanâs Tutorial: Citation and Scholarship: MLA

The Writing Centre offers APA and MLA mêskanâs tutorials on citation. Each tutorial has two parts. The first part introduces the rhetorical perspective on citation practices across the disciplines, and the second part introduces the underlying principles of APA or MLA style.


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