Access citation style guides and tools to help you with citing your sources.

Below are some resources created or recommended by MacEwan Library to help you with citing sources and formatting your assignments. Be sure to check with your instructor to find out which citation style you should use.

APA Style (American Psychological Association)

MLA Style (Modern Languages Association)

Chicago Style

At MacEwan, Chicago Notes-Bibliography Style is typically used in Humanities classes (e.g. Classics, History, Philosophy) while Author-Date Style is used in Music. Be sure to verify with your instructor which style to use.

See also: Chicago Manual of Style Online – Questions and Answers to search Frequently Asked Questions about Chicago Style, 17th Editon. 

ASA Style (American Sociological Association)

  • MacEwan Guide to ASA 6th Ed: includes in-text and reference list format examples, as well as information about formatting your assignment in ASA Style. 

Additional Resources

Generative AI Tools (ChatGPT, DALLE, etc.)

Refer to your course outline or syllabus and talk to your instructor regarding expectations surrounding generative AI use and attribution. When using generative AI, transparency through proper acknowledgment is always recommended. See: Principles for Ethical Use of Generative AI at MacEwan University.

Below are links to current Style Guide information for citing/attribution. Please note these initial guidelines may change.

For additional information regarding generative AI and resources to assist you with your critical and ethical decision-making surrounding use, visit the Library's Artificial Intelligence Student Guide.

Find a DOI

Not sure if a source has a digital object identifier (DOI)? Use CrossRef’s DOI Lookup tool to check for a DOI. Note that older sources and non-electronic sources do not typically have DOIs.

Reference Managers

Reference managers are applications that help you manage references and generate citations and bibliographies. Options include:

* The MacEwan Library offers support and training materials for using Zotero.