Robyn Hall
Interim Associate Dean
MLIS (Western),
MA (Guelph),
BA (Dalhousie)
Robyn Hall is Interim Associate Dean of the MacEwan University Library (July 2024-June 2025) and Scholarly Communications Librarian. She coordinates the Library’s Digital Initiatives and Scholarly Communications unit, and manages digital initiatives including MacEwan Open Journals and MacEwan's institutional repository, Research Online at MacEwan (RO@M). She is also subject librarian to sociology and gender studies. She has presented widely on issues and emerging solutions tied to the open access movement, as well as ways that libraries can support undergraduate research.
Selected Publications/Presentations/Conference Papers
- Hall, R. (2023). Exploring the role of information literacy instruction in student co-creation of community-based research products. Communications in Information Literacy, 17(2), 308–331. https://doi.org/10.15760/comminfolit.2023.17.2.1
- Symbaluk, D., Hall, R., & Champoux, G. (2019). Navigating an undergraduate degree in the social sciences: Tips and strategies. MacEwan Open Books. https://doi.org/10.31542/b.gm.2
- Hall, R. (2019, May 8). What we can learn from the online graveyard of inactive undergraduate student journals [Conference presentation]. Library Publishing Forum, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- Hall, R. (2017, June 27). Exposing undergraduate research in institutional repositories [Poster presentation]. Open Repositories Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
- Betz, S., & Hall, R. (2015). Selfarchiving with ease in an institutional repository: Microinteractions and the user experience. Information Technology and Libraries, 34(3), 43-58. https://doi.org/10.6017/ital.v34i3.5900