Joan Morrison is the Library Chair for 2024-2029, and Vice Chair of the Library Council. As Student Engagement Librarian she is responsible for organizing MacEwan's Library Student Engagement Committee and a range of 'Happy Library' events. Her scholarly interests include information literacy and library instruction https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7505-6258.
Nelson, J., Morrison, J., & Whitson, L. (2015) "Piloting a blended model for sustainable IL programming.” Reference Services Review 43(1), 137‐151. https://roam.macewan.ca/islandora/object/gm:910
Morrison, J. & Nelson, J. (2014, July 25). Instructional diversity: A blended model for sustainable IL programming. Paper presented at Library Instruction West Conference, Portland, OR. http://roam.macewan.ca/islandora/object/gm:507
Morrison, J., Nelson, J., & Whitson, L. (2016, 21 April). Dangled carrots and measuring sticks: Motivating online learners in self-enroll library instruction. Poster presented at the 17th Distance Library Services Conference, Pittsburgh, PN. http://roam.macewan.ca/islandora/object/gm:884