Dr. Eva Revitt provides MacEwan Library with leadership and direction, and she oversees its operations. Dr. Revitt brings 25 years of experience as an academic librarian and administrator. She has held a variety of appointments including subject librarian, library chair, interim director for the Office of Teaching and Learning Services and associate dean, Library. Dr. Revitt teaches courses in research methods and guest lectures on library management, leadership and governance.
Dr. Revitt holds a Master of Library and Information Science and a Doctorate in Educational Policy Studies from the University of Alberta. Her dissertation, The Academic Librarian as the Subaltern: An Institutional Ethnography of a Feminized Profession, won the Association of Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Eugene Garfield Doctoral Dissertation Competition.
Dr. Revitt’s research interests include feminized professions, academic governance and leadership, research method, and students’ information seeking practices including issues of information literacy, ethics, justice and copyright.
Revitt, E. (2024). Tits, text, and talk: The neoliberal shaping of academic librarians’ work. In J. Henley, H. Sonne de Torrents, J. Szurmak., & M. Valant (Eds.), Academic Librarianship in Canada: Post-COVID Perspectives in a Neoliberal Era. Litwin Books & Library Juice Press.
Groover, M., Houtman, E. Revitt, E., & Rodger, J. (2023). Editorial. Canadian Journal of Academic Librarianship, 8. https://doi.org/10.33137/cjalrcbu.v8.39842
Revitt, E. (2022, October 21-22). Collegial governance: Tactics and strategies for librarians and archivists. [Invited panelist]. Librarians’ & Archivists’ CAUT Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Revitt., E. (2020). Women’s work and the library: Ideological shaping of a feminized profession. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education, 15(1), 22-34. https://doi.org/10.20355/jcie29391
Revitt, E. (2020). The academic librarians as the subaltern: An institutional ethnography of a feminized profession [Presentation]. ALISE 2020 Virtual Annual Conference.
Revitt, E., Magnus, E., Schrader, A., & Wright, J. (2019). 2018 census of Canadian academic librarians user guide and results summary [Summary report]. Principal investigator on a study conducted on behalf of the Canadian Association of Professional Academic Librarians. https://doi.org/10.7939/DVN/JRDEPL
Revitt, E. & Luyk, S. (2019). The Role of Library Councils in Canadian Higher Education: An Exploratory Study. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 49(1), 140-158. https://doi.org/10.7202/1060828ar
Revitt, E. , Schrader, A., & Kaufman, A. (2017). 2016 census of Canadian academic librarians cross tables report [Summary Report]. Principal investigator on a study conducted on behalf of the Canadian Association of Professional Academic Librarians. https://doi.org/10.7939/DVN/ZTIWOR
Revitt, E. & Luyk, S. (2016). Library councils and governance in Canadian university libraries: A critical review. Canadian Journal of Academic Librarianship, 1(1), 60 -79. https://doi.org/10.33137/cjal-rcbu.v1.24307
Revitt, E. (2013). Know thyself: Advancing your leadership potential [Presentation]. International Federation Library Association World Library and Information Congress. Singapore, Republic of Singapore.